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Return Goods Handling
The process of returning products from customers to manufacturers, including documentation, transportation, receipt, quantities and why they were returned.
Return Material Authorization or Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
An RMA number provides the authority for a defective product to be returned and as a reference for credit approval or product repair and replacement.
Return Order Management Costs
The financial charges associated with managing RMAs and return-related processing costs including moving goods, handling, and storage.
Return Product Authorization (RPA)
Similar to an RMA but used when returning an item under warranty.
Return on Assets (ROA)
A metric that indicates a company's profitability in relation to its total assets; calculated by dividing a company's net income by its total assets.
Return on Sales
A measure of how efficiently a company turns sales into profits; calculated by dividing a company's operating profit by its net sales.
Return to Vendor (RTV)
When goods are sent back to the consignor after a customer or buyer’s inspection department rejects the material.
Returns Inventory Costs
The financial charges associated with managing returned goods that are placed in inventory including repair or refurbishment and disposal.
Returns Material Acquisition, Finance, Planning, and IT Costs
The financial charges associated with return orders and returns inventory, plus any finance, planning, and information technology costs to support return activity.
Returns Processing Cost
All financial charges associated with returns - transportation, handling, storage, repair or replacement, finance, information technology, management, etc.
Returns to Scale
In economics, the measure of proportional change in output with respect to the input factors in the long run at constant technology used for the production process.
Reverse Engineering
A process that analyzes a device or program to determine its function or structure. Often done with the intent of re-creating or modifying it.
Reverse Logistics
The management of all activities related to returned product, returned pallets and containers, and returned materials for disposal or recycling.
Roll Over
When a tractor-trailer flips or is turned on its side during an accident.
Roll-On/Roll-Off (RORO)
A method of loading and unloading cargo unto vessels using the wheels of the cargo. Typically used for cars, trucks, and other machinery with wheels.
Roll-On/Roll-Off Cargo Ships
See Roll-On/Roll-Off (RORO).
Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships
See Roll-On/Roll-Off (RORO).
When a shipment cannot be loaded on the desired vessel and has to be booked on a future voyage.
Roof Fairings
An air deflector mounted on the top of the cab (tractor or truck) that is designed to lower drag (air resistance) and improve fuel savings.
Root Cause Analysis
A review to identify the factor (or factors) that caused a nonconformance and should be permanently eliminated through process improvement.
Route Trucks Delivery
The transportation of goods along fixed and regular routes with specific locations and at specific times in order to deliver the goods.
Routing Accuracy
The degree to which actual performance conforms to specified expectations.
Routing or Routing Guide
Specifying how a shipment will move between the origin and destination, including the carrier(s), route(s), and time involved.
Procedures put in place for how work is to be performed and how to adhere to regulations.