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The process of retrieving products from storage locations to fill customer orders. Process may be automated, manual, or a combination of methods.
Picking by Aisle
A method where all needed items in an aisle are picked regardless of the items’ ultimate destination and the items are later sorted by destination.
Picking by Source
A method where all items going to a particular destination are successively picked regardless of the aisle in which each item is located.
The transportation of a truck trailer on a railroad flatcar, most often used for long-distance shipping.
Place Utility
The value - measured in time, money, or convenience - that is added to a product when it is transported from one location to another.
Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA)
Continuous improvement model. Plan a needed change, Do a small test on the change, Check the results, Act to implement on a larger scale or modify plan. Repeat.
Planned Date
The date an event - such as the receipt, shipment, or delivery of an order - is planned to occur. The actual date of occurance may be different, however.
Planned Order
A feature of DRP and MRP systems, a future order the system plans in response to forecasted demand and which triggers support activities such as procurement.
Plant Finished Goods
Finished goods inventory stored at the manufacturing location.
Point of Sale Information (POS)
Capturing and transmitting price and quantity data from the retail location as sales transactions occur.
Point of Use Delivery
The delivery of an item directly to the production floor.
Poka Yoke (mistake proof)
Using techniques to avoid basic errors in a production process. "Poka" means 'inadvertent error' while "yokeru" is Japanese for 'preventing'.
Police Powers
Governmental authority to create and enforce laws and regulations in order to protect the public. This includes laws regarding transporting products and people.
The combining of smaller shipments from multiple shippers into a truckload shipment to reduce shipping charges.
An area on both land and water, whether on the sea or river, that provides facilities for shipping vessels to load and unload their cargo.
Port Authority
A governmental entity that owns, operates, or otherwise provides wharf, dock, and other terminal investments at ports.
Port Call
A stop at a port where a ship halts to discharge or load cargo or to embark or disembark passengers. A voyage may have multiple port calls.
Port Call Events
Activities associated with a Port Call, such as arrival, unloading (begin and end), loading (begin and end), and departure.
Port Call Optimization
The efforts of terminals, carriers, and shippers to increase productivity while minimizing time to get vessels in and out. This saves money and resources such as fuel.
Port Congestion
When vessels that want to enter, queue up outside a port to wait for a suitable spot to dock. This results in higher costs for carriers and shipment delays.
Port of Discharge
A port where cargo is unloaded from a vessel.
Port of Entry
The place where foreign goods are admitted into a country and usually located at airports, seaports, or land border crossings.
Port of Loading
A port where cargo is loaded aboard a vessel.
A home base type of webpage that serves as a starting point to other destinations on the Internet and seeks to meet many Internet needs in one location.
Possession Utility
The value derived from a product from the customer's perspective that comes from ownership of the product and the choice to use it immediately.