Kpler is a recognized leader and benchmark in global trade data analytics. We arrived at this point through nearly a decade of hard work, first by building the world’s most powerful tool for tracking seaborne flows of commodities. This data set - and its creation - is subject to constant changes in dynamic environments, tracing every load and discharge of physical commodities from start to finish.
Recently, the interpretation of our data by a third party has generated inaccurate reports regarding global energy company Shell’s activity in the LNG market. We aim to provide transparency in our data collection procedures and invite journalists and NGOs to engage with our extensive team of over 100 analysts. We encourage them to reach out before publishing their reports to ensure accurate and well-informed interpretations of our data.
In our pursuit of data precision, we employ artificial intelligence to complement and refine information sourced from our more than one thousand sources. In the situation highlighted here, our algorithms assigned a probability of Shell being involved with Russian LNG cargoes arriving in the Netherlands from March to December 2022 based on past patterns that developed before the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. In reality, Shell was not involved in these cargoes, as confirmed by our analysts.
Kpler’s data is subject to change when more accurate information becomes available, serving as a safeguard against third party misinterpretation of our data and allowing Kpler to best serve its clients. In order to avoid potential misinterpretation of our data, we encourage our journalist and NGO partners to collaborate with us in their quest to delve into our data and uncover interesting, newsworthy information.
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