Kpler at EDBT 2024 | Kpler - Apr 22, 2024
April 22, 2024

Kpler at EDBT 2024

KPLER Research Labs is committed to redefine the future of the maritime, commodities, and power sectors through cutting-edge innovations and set new industry benchmarks. In this context, we are delighted to announce that Kpler presented three scientific publications to the EDBT/ICDT conference in March 2024 showcasing our state of the art solutions for global maritime situational awareness and vessel mobility patterns indexing for improved global logistic chain visibility. EDBT/ICDT  is one of the most prestigious international venues in the areas of large-scale data management. 

KPLER R&D Labs presented 2 papers in the Industrial & Application (Ι&Α) Track and 1 paper in the Demo Track. The publications are the outcomes of collaboration with our academic partners from the University of Piraeus, Data Science Lab (Datastories) and the University of the Aegean, in the context of the EU funded projects VesselAI and CREXDATA

A Scalable System for Maritime Route and Event Forecasting 

In this paper we develop a novel highly scalable digital twin for Maritime Situational Awareness that leverages streaming real-time AIS data for vessel route prediction, traffic state estimation, and event detection based on the actor model. The proposed solution integrates data driven models on the actor level for route forecasting that utilize vessel specific features and are adapted according to the system requirements and the limitations of AIS streaming service networks.You can find the paper here

The paper was presented in the I&A Track of EDBT. 

Patterns of Life: Global Inventory for Maritime Mobility Patterns

In this paper we present a data-driven grid-based methodology that leverages big data distributed techniques, for extracting vessel mobility patterns on a global scale. The existence of a global inventory for the typical vessel behaviour patterns is crucial for the improved visibility of the global logistic chain and the timely identification of abnormal behaviour. You can find the paper here

The paper was presented in the I&A Track of EDBT. 

GMSA: A Digital Twin Application for Maritime Route and Event Forecasting

In this paper we introduce GMSA, a state-of-the-art digital twin application for maritime route and event forecasting for the entire global fleet, utilizing the real-time AIS streaming service of Kpler (MarineTraffic), for maritime event detection, vessel route prediction and traffic state estimation. Through the combined views of the real-time event detection functions, the vessel- and port-specific data driven models, and the visualization of historical aggregated vessel mobility metrics, the application creates a multi-layer information system for efficient, proactive action planning and enhanced decision making for the end-user. You can find the paper here

The paper was presented in the Demo Track of EDBT along with a live Demo of the application. 


KPLER  Research Labs is actively engaged in multiple global projects funded by European, national authorities and other international organizations and continuously pushes the boundaries in big data, machine learning, deep learning, Generative AI, sophisticated data analytics, digital twins, and IoT. Maritime professionals and researchers like you can reach out to us to discuss which Kpler offering will support your research project or academic study in the best possible and efficient way and stay updated with the latest developments in our ongoing research projects and scientific publications.

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